maanantai 27. toukokuuta 2013


This summer I've been fortunate enough to receive invitations to two weddings and an awesome sounding birthday masquerade ball, and I couldn't be more excited! The past couple of weeks have been filled with anxious plans on how to make awe inspiring costumes for myself and for my prince for the birthday celebration that's coming up in just under three weeks. So far I've nearly finished a vest for him and a tulle skirt for myself to support a skirt that I already have. It's what I wore to the closest thing to prom that we had when I was still in high school: vanhojentanssit, where in the February of the second year the soon-to-be-seniors have a ball where they dance the old ball room dances to celebrate becoming the eldest students at the school. The tradition used to be more about historical costumes and having a "princess day" when I had mine 8 years ago, but nowadays the fashions have changed and people tend to dress more modern. But at least it's still a formal event and a reason to really dolly up!

Here's how I looked back then:

I made the dress with some help from my mom. The pattern had been drafted after a dress that Sissi, the empress of Austria and Hungary once wore in the 19th century. It's a shame the top no longer fits me, but it's a blessing in disguise: I get to make a new one!

6 kommenttia:

  1. Ihan mielettömän kaunis tää sun vanhojentanssipuku! Kyllä tuolla kelpaa mennä juhliin! :D

    1. Kiitos :). Onneksi tuli jätettyä hameen vyötärölle säätövaraa, ettei tarvii ottaa kahden viikon paastoa ennen juhlia :D.

  2. Vastaukset
    1. Tule tässä sinne Mustan pitsin yöhön? :)

    2. Yläosa ei enää mene kiinni korsetinkaan kanssa :(. Mutta hametta vois kyllä harkita, vaikken laittaiskaan sitä rokokooyläosaa sen kanssa. Täytyy kattoa mitkä fiilikset sillon on, eiköhän mun kaapista jotain kivaa ja näyttävää löydy :).
