Töihin, kauppaan, tekemään ruokaa, hetkeksi sohvalle & koneen eteen, silti turhan myöhään nukkumaan, rinse and repeat. Olen kuunnellut töissä äänikirjoina George R.R. Martinin A Game of Thronesin ja A Clash of Kingsin, Anne Ricen Interview with a Vampiren ja Vampire Lestatin, Nabakovin Lolitan sekä Richard Dawkinsin God Delusionin ja Christopher Hitchensin God is not Greatin. Kirjoitettavaa kyllä pulpahtelee mieleen näiden pohjalta, mutta kun pääsen kotiin asti ja voisin kirjoittaa jotakin ylöskin, ajatukset ovat ehtineet karata. Vaikka istun töissä koko päivän ompelukoneella, tahtoisin silti tehdä kotonakin ompelujuttuja, koska luovuutta tuolla ei pääse toteuttamaan mitenkään ja uusien/toteuttamista odottavien vaatteiden ideoita on muotoutunut nopeasti laskettuna viitisen kappaletta. Huomenna tosin on viimeinen työpäivä tällä erää joten eiköhän sitä pian pääse toteuttamaan itseään vapaammin. Kesälomasta on kohta jo oikeasti puolet mennyt! Ja minä kun vasta räpäytin silmiäni...
Viimeisen parin viikon aikana olen paitsi pitänyt korsettia ennätyksellisen tunnollisesti joka arkipäivä myös tuplannut korsettieni määrän. Vaikka ensimmäisen korsettini hankinnasta on jo viitisen vuotta ja sitä olen käyttänyt enemmän tai vähemmän säännöllisesti koko ajan, minulla ei sen lisäksi ole ollut kuin alkuvuodesta koulussa tekemäni korsetti. Luokkakaverin korsettiprojektin innoittamana ja jo lähes valmiiksi piirretyn kaavan houkuttelemana ostin koululta ennen kesän alkua materiaalit uuteen vyötärökorsettiin, josta viime postauksessa mainitsinkin ja viime viikonloppuna sain sen kokeilukuntoon. Korsetista puuttuvat enää luiden päiden kohdalle tulevat kirjonnat ja olen sitä kerennyt jo parina päivänä koekäyttääkin. Yllätyin hiukan itsekin miten mukava se on päällä.
Toinen lisäykseni "korsettikokoelmaani" oli pari viikkoa sitten saapunut Corsets-UK:n/Corset Storyn/Korsetts.de:n valmiskorsetti. Olen hiukan miettinyt oliko tosiaan sen arvoista hankkia ensimmäiseksi korsetikseni Belle Modesten mittatilauskorsetti vai heitinkö rahaa hukkaan. Kun aiemminkin ihailemani hopearaidallinen ylirinnan korsetti tuli päivän korsetti -tarjoukseen, en jäänyt enää miettimään vaan laitoin tilauksen saman tien tulemaan.

Ulkonäöllisesti korsetti on kaunis enkä löytänyt siitä valmistusvirheitä. Reunojen huolitteluun on käytetty vinonauhan sijaan satiininauhaa, jota on myös vyötärönauhana. Reunojen nauhan kiinnitys on melko siisti eikä repsota mistään, sirkat ovat siistit joskaan eivät aivan suorassa rivissä mutta kankaan kuvion kohdistus paneelien välissä on millin tarkkuudella jämpti.
Olen käyttänyt korsettia vasta illan ja yhden kokonaisen työpäivän, mutta mitä tulee ensituntumaan käyttömukavuudesta, jos Belle Modesten korsetti on kuin halaus, tämän korsetin syleily on melkoinen karhunhali. Ensimmäinen sana, mikä mieleeni tuli, oli brutaali. Siinä missä BM-korsetti suostuttelee vyötärön uuteen muotoonsa, Korsetts.de:n käskyttää siihen sotilaallisella jämäkkyydellä. Vyötärö ei varmasti taivu mihinkään suuntaan ja ainakin vielä kunnolla tottumattomana tuntuu, että vedän tässä korsetissa aktiivisemmin vatsaa sisään kuin muissa, missä korsetti itse tekee suuremman osan työstä ja siihen on mukavampi "nojata". Jämäkämmät luut tuntuvat hieman epämukavilta alimpien kylkiluiden kohdalta ja vihjaavat suurimmasta pettymyksestäni korsetin suhteen: kaava on kovin luonnottoman muotoinen.
Vyötäröltä alaspäin kaava näyttää levenevän hyvin tasaisesti alaspäin sen sijaan, että kaartuisi lantion mukaisesti niin kuin yleensä. Vähän kuin olisi ommellut muotolaskokset suoraan v:n muotoisina kaartamatta lainkaan. Koska muotosaumoja on niin monta - korsetti koostuu kuudesta paneelista - vaikutus ei ole niin paha kuin se olisi esimerkiksi hameessa, missä muotolaskoksia on yleenä vain yhdet edessä ja toiset takana sivusaumojen lisäksi. Hiukan on myös harmi, että tässä mallissa ei ole taidettu ottaa edestä yhtään sisään vatsan litistämiseksi ja tämä näkyy hyvin sivukuvassa alareunan törröttämisenä eteenpäin. Suurin ongelmani on kuitenkin vyötärön muoto. BM-korsetissani, itse tekemissäni ja ihanteessani yleensäkin, vyötärön muoto on tiimalasimainen: vyötärölle muodostuu selkeä kulma. Korsetts.de:n korsetissa vyötärö on jatkuva kaari.
Jotta tällaisella korsetilla saataisiin niitä senttejä reilummin pois, tarvitsisi sitä joko kiristää kauttaaltaan huomattavasti enemmän tai vyötäröltä enemmän suhteessa muuhun korsettiin. Ensimmäinen vaihtoehto litistää myös rintoja ja lantiota ja tuottaa varmasti ikäviä makkaroita, jälkimmäinen on pahasta korsetin kestävyydelle ja osin mahdotontakin ainakin näin tukevasti luitetulla korsetilla. Joudun joka tapauksessa kiristämään yläreunaa tiukemmalle kuin alareunaa ainakin siihen asti, että saan totuttua tiukempaan kiristykseen tällä, koska tämä korsetti on kuppikokonsa puolesta melkoisen antelias. Tästä joku oli kirjoittanutkin enkä sinänsä voi pitää sitä vikana, se ei vain sovi minun vartalolleni erityisen hyvin.
Mikä siis on tämän perusteella vastaukseni mietintöihini? Ei, en heittänyt aikoinaan rahojani hukkaan. Jos olisin ostanut ensimmäiseksi korsetikseni tämän, voi hyvin olla, että se olisi jäänyt myös viimeiseksi tai käyttämättä. Tottuneempana käyttäjänä olen valmis antamaan sille vielä mahdollisuuden ja jatkan sisäänajoa toivoen parempia tuloksia kunhan totun korsettiin ja se minuun. Pidän edelleen sen ulkonäöstä eikä sen tuottama silhuettikaan ole aivan toivoton. Reilun kolmenkympin korsetiksi se on täysin hintansa väärti. Korseteissa todellakin saa sitä mistä maksaa. Jos tahtoisin yrittää parantaa käyttömukavuutta tästä, voisin purkaa korsetin reunan ja poistaa osan luista jos niitä tosiaan on kaksin kappalein joka kujassa tai vaihtaa ne spiraaliluihin, mikä todennäköisesti olisi suuri apu pienellä vaivalla.
Yksi syy miksi julkaisen suht harvoin on, että tuppaan tekemään tämän niin perinpohjaisesti, että kirjoittamiseen täytyisi varata koko ilta. Tähänkin upposi kaksi tuntia jo ennen kuin pääsin edes kääntämään tekstiäni ja käännös ja julkaisu täytyi jättää nukkumaanmenoajan uhatessa seuraavaan iltaan. Saapa nähdä saanko mielessä pyörineitä vakavampia aiheita koskaan käsiteltyä julkaisukelpoiseen muotoon.
Go to work, get some groceries, cook, sit on the couch and at the computer for a short while, still go to bed too late, rinse and repeat. While working, I've been listening to some audio books: A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin, Interview with a Vampire and Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, Nabakov's Lolita as well as God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and God is not Great by Christopher Hitchens. I've kept thinking of topics to write about based on these but when I finally get home and could write something down, my thoughts have already escaped me. Although I sit by a sewing machine all day at work, I'd still like to sew something at home, since I don't get to do anything creative at work and new ideas to work on keep popping up. On a quick estimate, I have 5 projects I'd like to make and would probably even have materials for. Tomorrow, however, is the last day of work for now, so I'll be free to indulge myself soon enough. The summer break is nearly halfway through already! And I've just barely blinked...
In the last couple of weeks I've not only worn a corset abnormally diligently every workday, but I've also doubled the number of the corsets I own. Although it's already about five years since I got my first corset, which I've worn more or less regularly since, I've only had one other corset and that's only since early spring when I made it at school. I was inspired by a class mate's corset project, bought the materials at school and started making the underbust corset I mentioned in the previous post. It's ready to be tried out now and is only missing flossing. When I tried it on for a couple days this week, I was a bit surprised myself at how comfortable I managed to make it.
The other addition to my ”collection” of corsets was a ready-to-wear corset from Corsets-UK/Corset Story/Korsetts.de. I've been wondering if I it really was worth it to buy my first corset custom made by Belle Modeste or if I had been just wasting my money. When one of my favourite styles, a silver striped overbust corset popped up as a corset of the day offer, I didn't hesitate but placed my order on the spot. (Picture 1-3)
I ordered mine from the German version of the site since it was the only one that I understood and which had the prices in Euros, as well as being the closest one anyway. The sale price was only slightly above 30 € with about 10 € postage, so it most certainly was cheap enough. The one I got is part of the company's cheaper line of steel boned corsets: it has a single boning channel on each seam and apparently two flex-steel bones on top of each other in the channel, or the bones are just thicker than usual. Only the bones that go over the bust area are spring steel and the busk is also wider and sturdier than usual, about 2 centimeters wide on each side.
The fabric is a polyester jacquard that has two patterns woven into it, stripes for the waist and a baroque print over the bust. The lining is a cotton twill and there boning channels are sewn on the inside of the lining. I always were my corsets either over a jersey tube or a shirt so this shouldn't affect the corset's wearability much to me. It's still a bit of a shame that the channels aren't sandwiched between the fabric layers.
The corset is esthetically pleasing and I couldn't find any faults. Instead of bias binding, the edges are bound using a satin ribbon, which is also used as a waist tape. The binding is attached quite neatly and the eyelets look well attached, although not quite in a straight line. The transition of the patterns in the fabric, however, is precise to the millimeter.
I've worn the corset for an evening and a workday, but as to the ease of wear, if the feel of the corset from Belle Modest is to be described as a firm hug, this one's embrace is quite the bear hug. The first word to come to my mind was brutal. Where BM's corset persuades the waist to conform to its new shape, Korsetts.de's orders it with a military decisiveness. One most certainly can't bend their waist in any direction in this and, at least until I've gotten used to the corset, I feel like I'm holding in my stomach more actively than in other corsets, which would instead do most of the work and would be more comfortable to ”lean on”. The sturdier boning feels slightly uncomfortable on my lowest ribs, which points at the corset's most severe shortcoming: the pattern is shaped quite unnaturally.
The pattern seems to widen quite evenly from the waist down instead of having an arch that would follow the form of the hips. Nevertheless, there are enough seams – the corset is made with six panels – to diminish the effect. I was a little disappointed that the pattern doesn't seem to flatten the stomach area at all, which can be seen in the side view with the bottom edge jutting forward. My biggest issue with the pattern, though, is the shape of the waist. On my BM corset, on the ones that I've made and on my ideal shape, the waist is shaped like an hourglass: there's a clear corner at the waist. The silhouette of the Korsett.de corset is a continuous arch. (Picture 4 & 5)
If one wishes to get rid of more than a few centimeters at the waist with this kind of a corset, one has to either lace the whole corset much tighter or lace it proportionally tighter at the waist. The former option would flatten also the bust and the hips, resulting in unwanted bulging, the latter can damage the corset and is partly impossible with a corset as sturdily boned as this one. In any case, I have to lace the bust tighter than the bottom of the corset at least until I'm used to lacing it tighter, because the cup size of the corset is rather generous. Someone had mentioned this earlier and I can't really count it as a fault, but it doesn't really fit my body too well.
So what is my answer to my previous ponderings? No, I wasn't wasting my money. Had I bought this one as my first corset, there is a considerable change it would've been the first and the last corset that I buy, or I simply wouldn't have been able to wear it and would've had to buy a better fitting one anyway. Being a more experienced corset wearer now, I'm willing to give it another chance and to keep trying to accustom myself to the corset and the corset to me. I still like how it looks and I don't think its silhouette is hopeless. For a corset of just over 30 €, it certainly is worth its price. You get what you pay for in corsets. If I wanted to attempt to improve its wearability, I could undo one of the edges and either take out some of the assumed double boning or switch the boning with spring steel, which would probably be a big improvement with little effort.
One of the reasons that I write so rarely, is that I tend to do this so throroughly I'd need to have a whole evening just for writing a single post. It took me two hourst to write this and another hour to translate. If there are some inconsistencies still in the post it's because I had to go to bed and continue with the translation the following evening. I wonder if I'll ever get the more serious topics I've had in mind to actually form into something publishable.
Go to work, get some groceries, cook, sit on the couch and at the computer for a short while, still go to bed too late, rinse and repeat. While working, I've been listening to some audio books: A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin, Interview with a Vampire and Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, Nabakov's Lolita as well as God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and God is not Great by Christopher Hitchens. I've kept thinking of topics to write about based on these but when I finally get home and could write something down, my thoughts have already escaped me. Although I sit by a sewing machine all day at work, I'd still like to sew something at home, since I don't get to do anything creative at work and new ideas to work on keep popping up. On a quick estimate, I have 5 projects I'd like to make and would probably even have materials for. Tomorrow, however, is the last day of work for now, so I'll be free to indulge myself soon enough. The summer break is nearly halfway through already! And I've just barely blinked...
In the last couple of weeks I've not only worn a corset abnormally diligently every workday, but I've also doubled the number of the corsets I own. Although it's already about five years since I got my first corset, which I've worn more or less regularly since, I've only had one other corset and that's only since early spring when I made it at school. I was inspired by a class mate's corset project, bought the materials at school and started making the underbust corset I mentioned in the previous post. It's ready to be tried out now and is only missing flossing. When I tried it on for a couple days this week, I was a bit surprised myself at how comfortable I managed to make it.
The other addition to my ”collection” of corsets was a ready-to-wear corset from Corsets-UK/Corset Story/Korsetts.de. I've been wondering if I it really was worth it to buy my first corset custom made by Belle Modeste or if I had been just wasting my money. When one of my favourite styles, a silver striped overbust corset popped up as a corset of the day offer, I didn't hesitate but placed my order on the spot. (Picture 1-3)
I ordered mine from the German version of the site since it was the only one that I understood and which had the prices in Euros, as well as being the closest one anyway. The sale price was only slightly above 30 € with about 10 € postage, so it most certainly was cheap enough. The one I got is part of the company's cheaper line of steel boned corsets: it has a single boning channel on each seam and apparently two flex-steel bones on top of each other in the channel, or the bones are just thicker than usual. Only the bones that go over the bust area are spring steel and the busk is also wider and sturdier than usual, about 2 centimeters wide on each side.
The fabric is a polyester jacquard that has two patterns woven into it, stripes for the waist and a baroque print over the bust. The lining is a cotton twill and there boning channels are sewn on the inside of the lining. I always were my corsets either over a jersey tube or a shirt so this shouldn't affect the corset's wearability much to me. It's still a bit of a shame that the channels aren't sandwiched between the fabric layers.
The corset is esthetically pleasing and I couldn't find any faults. Instead of bias binding, the edges are bound using a satin ribbon, which is also used as a waist tape. The binding is attached quite neatly and the eyelets look well attached, although not quite in a straight line. The transition of the patterns in the fabric, however, is precise to the millimeter.
I've worn the corset for an evening and a workday, but as to the ease of wear, if the feel of the corset from Belle Modest is to be described as a firm hug, this one's embrace is quite the bear hug. The first word to come to my mind was brutal. Where BM's corset persuades the waist to conform to its new shape, Korsetts.de's orders it with a military decisiveness. One most certainly can't bend their waist in any direction in this and, at least until I've gotten used to the corset, I feel like I'm holding in my stomach more actively than in other corsets, which would instead do most of the work and would be more comfortable to ”lean on”. The sturdier boning feels slightly uncomfortable on my lowest ribs, which points at the corset's most severe shortcoming: the pattern is shaped quite unnaturally.
The pattern seems to widen quite evenly from the waist down instead of having an arch that would follow the form of the hips. Nevertheless, there are enough seams – the corset is made with six panels – to diminish the effect. I was a little disappointed that the pattern doesn't seem to flatten the stomach area at all, which can be seen in the side view with the bottom edge jutting forward. My biggest issue with the pattern, though, is the shape of the waist. On my BM corset, on the ones that I've made and on my ideal shape, the waist is shaped like an hourglass: there's a clear corner at the waist. The silhouette of the Korsett.de corset is a continuous arch. (Picture 4 & 5)
If one wishes to get rid of more than a few centimeters at the waist with this kind of a corset, one has to either lace the whole corset much tighter or lace it proportionally tighter at the waist. The former option would flatten also the bust and the hips, resulting in unwanted bulging, the latter can damage the corset and is partly impossible with a corset as sturdily boned as this one. In any case, I have to lace the bust tighter than the bottom of the corset at least until I'm used to lacing it tighter, because the cup size of the corset is rather generous. Someone had mentioned this earlier and I can't really count it as a fault, but it doesn't really fit my body too well.
So what is my answer to my previous ponderings? No, I wasn't wasting my money. Had I bought this one as my first corset, there is a considerable change it would've been the first and the last corset that I buy, or I simply wouldn't have been able to wear it and would've had to buy a better fitting one anyway. Being a more experienced corset wearer now, I'm willing to give it another chance and to keep trying to accustom myself to the corset and the corset to me. I still like how it looks and I don't think its silhouette is hopeless. For a corset of just over 30 €, it certainly is worth its price. You get what you pay for in corsets. If I wanted to attempt to improve its wearability, I could undo one of the edges and either take out some of the assumed double boning or switch the boning with spring steel, which would probably be a big improvement with little effort.
One of the reasons that I write so rarely, is that I tend to do this so throroughly I'd need to have a whole evening just for writing a single post. It took me two hourst to write this and another hour to translate. If there are some inconsistencies still in the post it's because I had to go to bed and continue with the translation the following evening. I wonder if I'll ever get the more serious topics I've had in mind to actually form into something publishable.